Melamine Dinnerware Myths

When you think melamine dinnerware, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of elegant, contemporary tableware, or do you think of poolside plates from 30 years ago? If you answered the latter you’re not alone, but you’re also not up to speed on modern melamine. Today’s melamine is anything but utilitarian: it’s modern, on-trend, and sophisticated.

1 -  Melamine Can’t Support Your Brand’s Positioning

Today’s melamine is versatile enough to find a design that fits your brand while also meeting the most important criteria for diners – a clean, bright, chip-free plate. This means you'll uphold - or maybe even improve - your brand perception and value proposition.

2 - Melamine Comes in Boring, Traditional Sizes and Shapes

Melamine has kept up with the times and is available in more sizes, shapes, textures, and colors than you’d imagine, upgrading almost any tabletop. 

3 - Melamine Can’t Be Easily Mixed and Matched

With all of the on-trend melamine products available, you can easily create dynamic, mixed media tabletops, keep your brand positioning on par, and your spending in check.

4 - Melamine Dinnerware is Only for Outdoor Use

Advances in melamine production mean that operators’ options for indoor plate ware are exponentially increased by the melamine tableware options available on today's market. 

5 - Melamine Dinnerware is Unbreakable

Melamine dinnerware is break-resistant, not unbreakable. If handled correctly, its service life will surpass that of your china’s.

6 - Melamine Dinnerware Must Be Less Expensive to Buy than China

Melamine dinnerware may or may not initially cost more than china, but its durability will save you money long-term.